June 28, 2012 8:30 to 12:30 PM
Coastal Institute in Kingston, 1 Greenhouse Road, Kingston RI 02881
Maps/Parking-Fine Arts Lot, Bliss Road (Passes will be sent/posted)


Please register online (Click HERE)

Please come to the 2012 RI Soil Survey Work Planning Conference to learn about the latest version of the Soil Survey of RI, provide input to future updates, learn about the site specific mapping, the latest research in soil science, and how to use and access soils data from a variety of sources. The conference is sponsored by URI Cooperative Extension NEMO, the RI USDA-NRCS, and the Society of Soil Scientists of Southern New England.

Soil Survey Work Planning Conferences are  required by National Cooperative Soil Survey policy. The conference provides an opportunity to update partners and users about the status of their state's soil survey, serves as a forum to gather valuable feedback on users needs for data, interpretations, and training.

Agenda - Coastal Institute in Kingston, Weaver Auditorium:

8:30 to 9:00 AM - Registration and refreshments (provided by SSSSNE)

9:00 to 10:00 AM - The Rhode Island Soil Survey past, present, and future - Jim Turenne and Maggie Payne, RI NRCS. Topics include the background information on the RI Soil Survey, how soil surveys are made, our new 2012 version, our long range plan to improve our soil survey (see link left), technical soil services available, and info on accessing and using soils data.

10:00 to 11:00 AM - RI Site Specific Soil Survey, Hydrologic Soil Groups, and Using ArcGIS online for soil interpretive maps - Jillian Phillips and Lorraine Joubert, URI Cooperative Extension, NEMO. Click HERE for more information.

11:00 to 11:15 - Coffee Break.

11:15 to 12:30 - Soil research at URI - Dr. Mark Stolt, URI DNRS.

12:30 + Question/answer/demos.

Above: Stats of the RI Soil Survey Interpretation requests to the Soil Data Mart


Soil Survey Questionnaire

RI Soil Survey Long Range Plan

Site Specific Mapping

RI NRCS Soil Survey

Register for

Soil Catena Chart