The following is a map unit description from
the "Soil Survey of Barnstable County, Massachusetts (Fletcher,
Dm-Dumps, landfill. This map unit consists of areas
used for residential or commercial trash disposal. It makes up
about 0.1 percent (366 acres) of the survey area. It is mapped in
isolated areas throughout the county. Most areas range from 1 0
to 1 00 acres in size.
Dumps are commonly called landfills or sanitary landfills and
consist mostly of paper, metal, plastic, glass, rubble, cinders,
and organic debris. The characteristics of each area vary,
depending on the kinds of refuse and the manner in which it has
been deposited and packed. All areas are subject to some degree
of subsidence.
Included in this unit in mapping are sand and gravel pits and
a few areas that have been reclaimed and revegetated.
Onsite investigation is needed to determine the suitability of
areas of this unit for alternative land uses.
No capability subclass is assigned.