The following is a map unit description from the "Soil Survey of Barnstable County, Massachusetts (Fletcher, 1993)"

Pg-Pits, sand and gravel. This map unit consists of irregularly shaped areas from which sand and gravel have been removed. It makes up about 1.1 percent (2,737 acres) of the survey area. It is mapped throughout the survey area. Areas range from 3 to 120 acres in size. The pits are 5 to 40 feet deep and generally have steep sides and a nearly level floor. Some areas have small pools of shallow water.

The pits generally support no vegetation, although some of the older ones support scattered shrubs and grasses. Most of the pits are droughty, but some have been excavated to or below the seasonal high water table.

Soil properties and the slope vary. Generally, this unit is poorly suited to farm uses, woodland, and residential development. Onsite investigation is needed to determine the suitability of the pits for specific uses and the limitations affecting those uses.

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