Essex County Soil Survey Report - Southern Part - Non-technical Map Unit Descriptions
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
ROCK OUTCROP An on-site investigation is necessary to determine suitability and limitations.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
The CHATFIELD component is in capability subclass 7S which has very severe limitations that make the soil unsuited to cultivation and
that restricts its use to grazing.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
The HOLLIS component is in capability subclass 7S which has very severe limitations that make the soil unsuited to cultivation and that
restricts its use to grazing. Shallow depth to bedrock is a significant limitation.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
The CHATFIELD component is well drained; water is removed readily, but not rapidly. Agronomic capability class is 7S. Depth to
bedrock is between 20 and 40 inches. The water table is normally more than 6.0 feet below the surface.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
ROCK OUTCROP can consist of up to 90 percent exposed bedrock. Most outcrops are too hard to be broken and mixed by tillage.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
The HOLLIS component is well drained; water is removed readily, but not rapidly. Agronomic capability class is 7S. Depth to bedrock is
between 10 and 20 inches. The water table is normally more than 6.0 feet below the surface.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/URB
HOLLIS has severe limitation for use as a septic tank absorbtion field because of shallow depth to bedrock. There is severe limitation
for local roads and streets due to shallow depth to bedrock. For dwellings with basement, there is severe limitation because of shallow
depth to bedrock and for small commercial buildings, there is severe limitation due to slope and shallow depth to bedrock.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/URB
CHATFIELD has severe limitation for use as a septic tank absorbtion field because of shallow depth to bedrock. There is moderate
limitation for local roads and streets due to slope, shallow depth to bedrock and frost action. For dwellings with basement, there is
severe limitation because of shallow depth to bedrock and for small commercial buildings, there is severe limitation due to slope.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
ROCK OUTCROP An on-site investigation is necessary to determine suitability and limitations.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
The CHATFIELD component is in capability subclass 7S which has very severe limitations that make the soil unsuited to cultivation and
that restricts its use to grazing.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
The HOLLIS component is in capability subclass 7S which has very severe limitations that make the soil unsuited to cultivation and that
restricts its use to grazing. Shallow depth to bedrock is a significant limitation.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
The CHATFIELD component is well drained; water is removed readily, but not rapidly. Agronomic capability class is 7S. Depth to
bedrock is between 20 and 40 inches. The water table is normally more than 6.0 feet below the surface.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
The HOLLIS component is well drained; water is removed readily, but not rapidly. Agronomic capability class is 7S. Depth to bedrock is
between 10 and 20 inches. The water table is normally more than 6.0 feet below the surface.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
ROCK OUTCROP can consist of up to 90 percent exposed bedrock. Most outcrops are too hard to be broken and mixed by tillage.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/URB
HOLLIS has severe limitation for use as a septic tank absorbtion field because of shallow depth to bedrock and slope. There is severe
limitation for local roads and streets due to shallow depth to bedrock and slope. For dwellings with basement, there is severe limitation
because of shallow depth to bedrock and slope and for small commercial buildings, there is severe limitation due to slope and shallow
depth to bedrock.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/URB
CHATFIELD has severe limitation for use as a septic tank absorbtion field because of shallow depth to bedrock and slope. There is
severe limitation for local roads and streets due to slope. For dwellings with basement, there is severe limitation because of shallow
depth to bedrock and slope and for small commercial buildings, there is severe limitation due to slope.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
The HOLLIS component is in capability subclass 7S which has very severe limitations that make the soil unsuited to cultivation and that
restricts its use to grazing. Shallow depth to bedrock is a significant limitation.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/AGR
ROCK OUTCROP An on-site investigation is necessary to determine suitability and limitations.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
ROCK OUTCROP can consist of up to 90 percent exposed bedrock. Most outcrops are too hard to be broken and mixed by tillage.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/SOI
The HOLLIS component is well drained; water is removed readily, but not rapidly. Agronomic capability class is 7S. Depth to bedrock is
between 10 and 20 inches. The water table is normally more than 6.0 feet below the surface.
Text Kind/Category: Nontechnical description/URB
HOLLIS has severe limitation for use as a septic tank absorbtion field because of shallow depth to bedrock and slope. There is severe
limitation for local roads and streets due to shallow depth to bedrock and slope. For dwellings with basement, there is severe limitation
because of shallow depth to bedrock and slope and for small commercial buildings, there is severe limitation due to slope and shallow
depth to bedrock.