New England Soil Profiles

Overblown Phase

Tape is in cm.

Overblown phase of a Hinesburg Soil. The overblown material is the light colored sandy deposit from 0 to 40 cm on the photo above. The sand is an eolian (wind) deposit from an adjacent dune and beach. Below the recent eolian deposit is a buried (?) Hinesburg soil that has an A horizon from 40 to 45 cm, a Bw1 horizon from 45 to 70 cm, and a Bw2 horizon below 70 cm. The texture of the sloum is loamy sand, the photo below shows the 2C horizon at 120 cm, the texture of the 2C is very fine sandy loam. This soil phase occurs in areas adjacent to major coastal landforms.

Photos by: Jim Turenne, photo location - town of Dennis Massachusetts along the NE part of Quivette Neck (Crows Pasture).

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