USDA - Soil Conservation Service
Pedon Narrative Description
DATE Sampled: 07/13/1990

Soil Series: IPSWICH

Site Identification #: 90MA023033

Map Unit Symbol: 66

Lab Pedon #: 2306601

Soil Survey Area #: 023 MLRA: 144A

County Name: Plymouth


Location Description: Approximately 2,000 feet southeast of the intersection of the access road to Winslow School and Route 139 in the town of Marshfield.

Quadrangle Name:

Latitude: 42 degrees 4 minutes 5.0 seconds N

Longitude: 70 degrees 39 minutes 58.0 seconds W

UTM Zone: UTM Easting: UTM Northing:

Photograph #: 695A

Description Category: Full pedon description

Pedon Category: Typical pedon for series

Slope Characteristics Information

Slope: 0 percent

Elevation: 0.0 feet

Local: Salt Marsh

Water Table Information
Water Table Depth: 4.0 inches
Water Table Kind: Apparent

Flooding Information

Frequency: very frequent

Beginning 2x daily


Moisture Regime: Udic moisture regime

Landuse: Wetlands

Stoniness: 0.00 percent

Natural Drainage Class: VPD


Notes: Weather-overcast 70's. Vegetation species - split marsh grasses.


Oi1-- 0 to 4 inches; dark gray (10YR 4/1), exterior, and dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common very fine roots throughout and common fine and medium throughout; 85.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 60.0 percent fiber rubbed; 5.6 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. no shells observed throughout; oxidized root channels 2.5YR 3/6, many, fine, prominent

Oi3-- 5 to 7 inches; olive gray (5Y 4/2), exterior, and dark gray (5Y 4/1), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common fine roots throughout and common very fine throughout; 90.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 60.0 percent fiber rubbed; 4.8 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. difficult to differentiate between live and dead roots

Oi4-- 7 to 8.5 inches; very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2), exterior, and dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common fine roots throughout and common very fine throughout; 90.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 50.0 percent fiber rubbed; 6.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. difficult to differentiate between live and dead roots

Oi5-- 8 to 11 inches; dark olive gray (5Y 3/2), exterior, and very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common very fine roots throughout; 95.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 70.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.0 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. difficult to differentiate between live and dead roots

Oi6--11 to 16 inches; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), exterior, and olive gray (5Y 4/2), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; 90.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 45.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary.

Oe--16 to 18 inches; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), exterior, and olive gray (5Y 4/2), crushed, partially decomposed organic matter; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; 80.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 70.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher, reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oi--18 to 21 inches; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), exterior, and olive gray (5Y 4/2), crushed, fibric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; 75.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 45.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher, reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

C--21 to 27 inches; gray (5Y 5/1), exterior, sandy loam; massive; nonsticky and nonplastic; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oa--27 to 34 inches; dark gray (5Y 4/1), exterior, and gray (5Y 5/1), crushed, sapric material; massive; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; 30.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 10.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oa--34 to 37 inches; very dark gray (N 3/0), exterior, and very dark gray (5Y 3/1), crushed, sapric material; massive; nonsticky and slightly plastic; 10.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 1.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oe--37 to 47 inches; olive gray (5Y 4/2), exterior, and dark gray (5Y 4/1), crushed, partially decomposed organic matter; massive; nonsticky and slightly plastic; 80.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 20.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

C--47 to 52 inches; dark gray (5Y 4/1), exterior, silty clay loam; massive; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oa--52 to 55 inches; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), exterior, and dark gray (5Y 4/1), crushed, sapric material; massive; nonsticky and slightly plastic; 30.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 10.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

C--55 to 60 inches; dark gray (N 4/0), exterior, silty clay loam; massive; slightly sticky and slightly plastic; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan; abrupt smooth boundary. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Oa--60 to 65 inches; olive gray (5Y 4/2), exterior, and olive gray (5Y 4/2), crushed, sapric material; massive; nonsticky and slightly plastic; 15.0 percent fiber unrubbed; 5.0 percent fiber rubbed; 7.2 LaMotte-Morgan. pH 7.2 or higher--reagant could not read pH's higher than 7.2

Page Maintained by Jim Turenne

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