USDA - Soil Conservation Service
Pedon Narrative Description
DATE Sampled: 10/06/1992

Soil Series: TISBURY

Map Unit Name: Tisbury very fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes

Component Name: Tisbury

Site Identification #: 92MA023005

Map Unit Symbol: 261B Note ID: Yield ID:

Laboratory Information

Lab Pedon #: 2326101 Source Lab Id:

Location Information

Soil Survey Area #: 023 MLRA: 149B

County FIPS Code:

County Name: Plymouth County, Massachusetts

Soil Survey Area Name: PLYMOPlymouth County, Massachusetts

Location Description: Wareham Quad - Town of Carver, 1300' East of West Line Road, 1000' West of Dunham Road and 600' South of Halfway Pond Road in Myles Standish State Park.

Quadrangle Name: Wareham Quad

Latitude: 41 degrees 50 minutes 53.0 seconds N

Longitude: 70 degrees 42 minutes 35.0 seconds W

UTM Zone: UTM Easting: UTM Northing:

Photograph #: OS90 14-9

Transect Id: GPR

Description Category: Full pedon description

Pedon Category: Within range of map unit

Slope Characteristics Information
Slope: 5 percent
Aspect: 270 degrees
Horizontal Shape:
Vertical Shape: Plane

Elevation: 115.0 feet

Local: Outwash Plain
Major: Glaciofluvial Landform *

Runoff: High

Type of Erosion: water erosion

Degree of Erosion: Class 1

Classification: ____ , ____ , ____ , ____ , ____ ____

Moisture Regime: Udic moisture regime

Landuse: Forest land not grazed
Stoniness: 0.00 percent
Permeability: Moderate

Natural Drainage Class: MWD

Parent Material: Weathered eolian from mixed-igneous-metamorphic & sedimentary of underlain by lacustrine sands from mixed-igneous-metamorphic & sedimentary.

Vegetative Information
Plant Symbol:
Plant Name: Black Oak, Ash, Balsa, Grasses

Described by: Jim Turenne

Notes: Sunny, dry, 50 degrees F., soil profile better fits a Scio Series, area was thought to be underlain by glacial fluvial material.


Oe-- 1 to 0 inches; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/2) mucky peat; abrupt wavy boundary.


A1-- 0 to 1 inches; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) fine sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots and common medium; 5.1 Chlorophenol red; abrupt wavy boundary.


Ap-- 1 to 8 inches; dark brown (10YR 3/3) fine sandy loam; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots and common medium and coarse; 5.4 Chlorophenol red; 1 percent subrounded mixed gravel; clear wavy boundary.


Bw1-- 8 to 13 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) very fine sandy loam; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common medium and coarse roots and common very fine and fine; 5.8 Chlorophenol red; 5 percent subrounded mixed gravel; clear wavy boundary.


Bw2--13 to 22 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) very fine sandy loam; common medium light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) and few fine strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) mottles; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common fine and medium roots and common very fine; 5.5 Chlorophenol red; 5 percent subrounded mixed gravel; abrupt smooth boundary. Common mottles - 10%; 5-10 mm size.


Bw3--22 to 35 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) silt loam; common medium and coarse light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) mottles; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky and nonplastic; common very fine roots; 5.7 Chlorophenol red; few fine irregular iron-manganese concretions; 1 percent rounded mixed gravel; abrupt wavy boundary. Bw3 consistence - firmer than upper Bw horizon - not quite firm. Also stronger grade structure than upper Bw; few (2%) fine (3mm) iron/mn concentrations (saft) in Bw3, 5YR 2.5/2.


--35 to 49 inches; ; common medium and coarse strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; weak massive; friable; common fine and medium roots; 5.7 Chlorophenol red; very few prominent patchy yellowish red (5YR 4/6) oxide coats on sand and gravel; abrupt wavy boundary. Structure of C-horizon is massive-platy structure (alternating layers) is geologic, rather than pedogenic; C1 horizon - iron precipitate/staining on coarse fragments, in coarse layers (see surface features); C1 - few 1,2 roots are in coarse layers only; C1 horizon - alternating layers of coarse (sand & gravelly sand) and fine material (sil); C-horizon may fit a lacustrine deposit better than a glacial fluvial deposit; brief description of layers: 90-94 gcos, 7.5YR 5/8; 94-97 sil, 2.5Y 6/3; 97-104 sand, 10YR 6/8; 104-112, 2.5Y 6/3, sil; 112-115 fine sand, 7.5YR 4/0; 115-122 sil, 2.5Y 6/2; 122-125 fine sand, 7.5YR 4/6.


C2--49 to 65 inches; light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) silt loam; common coarse strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; weak massive; friable; 5.8 Chlorophenol red; very few prominent patchy yellowish red (5YR 4/6) oxide coats on sand and gravel. Structure of C horizon is massive-platy structure (Alternating layers) is geologic, rather than pedogenic; C2 mostly SIL texture with thin (1mm) pockets of fine sand, 7.5YR 5/8.

Page Maintained by Jim Turenne

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