2347805 PLYMOUTH


Print Date: 12/17/2002
Description Date: 05/21/2000
Describer: R.Tunstead.

Site ID: MA023-2000-47805-S
Site Note: Septic tank pit opened.
NASIS Pedon ID: MA023-2000-47805-P | County ID: 2347805

Pedon Note: Cd horizon w/plates above stratified fine sand. No redox above Cd, when excavated w/ spade, Cd was not as difficult as other dense tills (questionable dense till). Typic dystrudepts

Soil Name as Described/Sampled: Plymouth
Soil Name as Correlated:
Pedon Type: Within range of map unit
Pedon Purpose: Full pedon description
Taxon Kind: Series
Associated Soils: Montauk, Barnstable, Gloucester, Poquonock

Location Information:
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
County: Plymouth
MLRA: 144A -- New England and Eastern New York Upland, Southern Part
Soil Survey Area: MA023 -- Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Map Unit: 478B Plymouth-Montauk Complex, Undulating.

Quad Name: Duxbury
Location Description: Town of Marshfield, 260M west of Forest St., 500M north of powerline, new subdivision.
Legal Description:
Latitude:42 degrees 07 minutes 21 seconds
Longitude: 70 degrees 44 minutes 55 seconds
Datum: NAD83
UTM Zone: 19
UTM Easting: 355434 meters
UTM Northing: 4664878 meters

Physiographic Division: Apalachian highlands
Physiographic Province: New England
Physiographic Section: Seaboard Lowland
State Physiographic Area: South Coastal Watershed
Local Physiographic Area: Marshfield Hills
Geomorphic Setting: Kame moraine, upland
Upslope Shape: Cross Slope Shape:
Primary Earth Cover:Tree cover
Secondary Earth Cover:
Plant Association Name:
Existing Vegetation: Eastern white pine, oak

Parent Material: Sandy eolian underlain by sandy ablation till.
Bedrock Kind:
Bedrock Depth:
Bedrock Hardness:
Bedrock Fracture Interval:
Surface Fragments: 0.1 to 3 %
Particle Size Control Section:
Diagnostic Features: ochric epipedon ? to ? in.
cambic horizon? to ? in.

Slope: 8%
Elevation: 170 feet
Aspect: 120
Drainage: ED


Oe--0 to 5 centimeters (0.0 to 2.0 inches); very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moderately decomposed plant material; many very fine to coarse roots throughout; clear smooth boundary.

E--5 to 15 centimeters (2.0 to 5.9 inches); grayish brown (10YR 5/2) loamy sand; weak subangular blocky structure; very friable; 1 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 5 percent 2 to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; very strongly acid, pH 4.8, Phenol red; many very fine to coarse roots throughout; gradual wavy boundary.

Bhs--15 to 18 centimeters (5.9 to 7.1 inches); brown (7.5YR 4/4) sandy loam; weak subangular blocky structure; friable; 1 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 5 percent 2- to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; very strongly acid, pH 4.8, Phenol red; many very fine to coarse roots throughout; gradual wavy boundary.

Bw--18 to 36 centimeters (7.1 to 14.2 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) loamy sand; weak subangular blocky structure; very friable; 3 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 10 percent 2- to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; very strongly acid, pH 5.0, Phenol red; many very fine to coarse roots throughout; gradual wavy boundary.

BC--36 to 53 centimeters (14.2 to 20.9 inches); olive yellow (2.5Y 6/6) gravelly loamy sand; weak subangular blocky structure; friable; 1 percent 250- to 600-millimeter unspecified fragments and 5 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 15 percent 2- to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.1, Phenol red; common very fine to coarse roots throughout; clear smooth boundary.

C1--53 to 79 centimeters (20.9 to 31.1 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) gravelly loamy sand; moderate subangular blocky structure; friable; 3 percent 250- to 600-millimeter unspecified fragments and 5 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 15 percent 2- to 75- millimeter unspecified fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.1, Phenol red; few very fine to coarse roots throughout; clear wavy boundary.

2Cd--79 to 142 centimeters (31.1 to 55.9 inches); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) gravelly coarse sand; moderate platy structure; friable; 2 percent 250- to 600-millimeter unspecified fragments and 10 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 25 percent 2- to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.2, Phenol red; few very fine and fine roots between peds; clear wavy boundary.

C2--142 to 203 centimeters (55.9 to 79.9 inches); brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) stratified fine sand; single grain; loose; platy very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) manganese masses; 1 percent 75- to 250-millimeter unspecified fragments and 5 percent 2- to 75-millimeter unspecified fragments; strongly acid, pH 5.1, Phenol red.

Page Maintained by Jim Turenne

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