USDA - Soil Conservation Service
Pedon Narrative Description
DATE Sampled: 04/24/1990

Soil Series: HOOKSAN

Site Identification #: 90MA023049

Map Unit Symbol: 613C

Lab Pedon #: 2361301

Soil Survey Area #: 023 MLRA: 144A

County Name: Plymouth


Location Description: 150 feet south of jeep trail on Saquish Neck at a point approximatrely 1.0 mile northwest of the lighthouse at Gurnet Point in the town of Plymouth.

Quadrangle Name:

Latitude: 42 degrees 0 minutes 25.0 seconds N

Longitude: 70 degrees 37 minutes 9.0 seconds W

UTM Zone: UTM Easting: UTM Northing:

Photograph #: 695B

Description Category: Full pedon description

Pedon Category: Typical pedon for series

Slope Characteristics Information
Slope: 16 percent
Aspect: 340 degrees
Horizontal Shape: Concave

Total Slope Length: 50.0 feet
Slope Length Above Site: 12.0 feet

Elevation: 15.0 feet

Local: Dune
Major: Barrier Island *

Moisture Regime: Udic moisture regime

Parent Material: Slightly weathered eolian-sand from mixed-igneous-metamorphic & sedimentary

Described by: P. C. FLETCHER

Notes: Weather 50 degrees F. - overcast; textural analysis done at UMass Soils Lab; C3 horizon VCS 0.0, cos 0.2, ms 33.3, fs 65.1, vfs 0.5; vegetation species include beach grass, seaside goldenrod.

Oi-- 0 to 0 inches; fibric material; common fine roots and common very fine; 5.8 Chlorophenol red; abrupt smooth boundary.

C1-- 0 to 4.5 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) fine sand; single grain; loose; common fine roots and common very fine; 6.0 Chlorophenol red; clear smooth boundary. common 10YR 3/2 organic stains; some black organic flecks

C2-- 4 to 6.5 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) fine sand; single grain; loose; common fine roots and common very fine; 6.0 Chlorophenol red; clear smooth boundary. few 10YR 3/2 organic stains; roots dune roots observed to 40 inch depth

C3-- 6 to 60 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) fine sand; single grain; loose; 6.0 Chlorophenol red. faint 10YR 5/2 banding (1/4 to 1/2 inches) throughout--subparallel to the surface--possibly magnetite.

Page Maintained by Jim Turenne

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