Sudbury Soils: Very deep, moderately well drained soil formed in glacial fluvial deposits derived mainly from granitic, gneissic and schistose rocks. Sudbury soil are in depressions, swales, and in low areas which border streams, ponds and swamps on outwash plains.

Sudbury ProfileSudbury Soil Profile

Link to Official Series Description
Sudbury Pedon Description 2326001

Map Unit (s): 260A, 260B
Map Phases:

  • 260A Sudbury fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
    260B Sudbury fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes.
  • Taxonomic Classification: Sandy mixed, mesic, Aquic Dystrochrepts.
    Drainage Class: Moderately well drained.
    Parent Material: Glacial fluvial deposits.
    Permeability: Moderately rapid in the solum and moderately rapid to rapid in the substratum.
    Available Water Holding Capacity: Moderate.
    Soil Reaction: Extremely acid through slightly acid in the solum and from very strongly acid through slightly acid in the substratum.
    Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
    Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: 1.5 to 4 feet. Type: Apparent. Months: November to May.
    Hydrologic Group: B.
    Hydric Soil: No (may have hydric inclusions).
    Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: None.
    Potential Inclusions: Deerfield soils and Tisbury soils are similar inclusions. Poorly drained Wareham and Pipestone soils are on lower elevations. Well drained Merrimac and Hinckley soils are on higher elevations.

    Soil Suitability:

    Agriculture: Sudbury soils are prime farmland soils. Sudbury soils are well suited for most agricultural uses. Irrigation is needed for optimal yield. The seasonal high water table may delay some practices during the spring and limit root growth.

    Woodland: Well suited for woodland productivity.

    Development: Major limitations related to the seasonal high watertable. Mounded septic systems are usually required. Sudbury soils are associated with aquifer recharge areas and measures should be taken to protect the aquifer.

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