The following is a map unit description from the "Soil Survey of Norfolk and Suffolk Counties, Massachusetts (Peragallo, 1989)"

Ua-Udorthents, sandy. This map unit consists of nearly level to steep areas where the original soils have been removed for use as roadfill, concrete aggregate, or landfill. The original soils were typically excessively drained to well drained and on glacial outwash plains, terraces, kames, and eskers. Areas of Udorthents, sandy, are irregular in shape and range from 6 to 150 acres. Slopes are complex but are dominantly 0 to 5 percent at the base of cutout areas and have side slopes of 8 to 35 percent following the perimeter of the unit map.

Typically, Udorthents, sandy, are the remaining substratum material from Canton, Hinckley, Merrimac, and Windsor soils, after the upper 4 to 40 feet of the soil material was removed. Most areas are stratified sand and gravel to a depth of 60 inches or more, In many areas stones and boulders 10 inches to 10 feet in diameter are scattered randomly on the surface or are in piles. Where heavy machinery has made continual passes over the same area, the surface is firm and compact. In a few areas the surface layer is thin and is brown or dark brown sandy loam or loamy sand.

Included with this map unit are small areas of Udorthents, loamy, and Urban land. Also included are some low areas and depressions that have a seasonal high water table. Included areas make up about 15 percent of the map unit.

  • Soil properties:
  • Permeability: Moderate to very rapid throughout.

    Available water capacity: Very low or low.

    Most areas of Udorthents, sandy, are idle and commonly have scrubby vegetation of poverty grass, sweet fern, gray birch, poplar, and eastern redcedar.

    Udorthents, sandy, differ greatly in soil characteristics from place to place but are generally well suited to use as building sites. Because of rapid or very rapid permeability, the soils readily absorb but do not adequately filter the effluent. If the soils are used as septic tank absorption fields, ground water pollution is a hazard. These soils are very droughty and are poorly suited to use as sites for lawns, landscaping, and vegetable gardens. Irrigation, fertilization, and the addition of at least 4 inches of topsoil are needed to establish a protective cover of grasses.

    Onsite investigation is needed to determine the suitability of this map unit for any use.

    These soils have not been assigned to a capability subclass.

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