New England Soil Profiles

Birdsall Series

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Pedon S07MA023002 (Click HERE for Pedon Description and Laboratory Analysis)

Birdsall Soils: Very deep, nearly level, very poorly drained soil formed in water-laid deposits of silt and very fine sand. Birdsall soils are in low, flat-lying areas and broad depressions on glacial lake plains.

Taxonomic Classification: Coarse - silty, mixed, nonacid, mesic, Typic Humaquents.
Drainage Class: Very poorly drained.
Parent Material: Lacustrine silts and clays and waterlaid deposits of fine and very fine sands.
Permeability: Slow to very slow.
Available Water Holding Capacity: High.
Soil Reaction (pH): Very strongly acid to moderately acid in the surface layer and strongly acid to neutral in the substratum.
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: +1.0 to 0.5 feet below the surface.Type: Apparent/perched. Months: October to June.
Hydrologic Group: D.
Hydric Soil: Yes.
Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: Frequently ponded.Duration and Months: Brief to long, November to May.
Map unit 027 is periodically flooded throughout the year for cranberry management practices.
Potential Inclusions: Very poorly drained Berryland and Scarboro soils are similar soils. Poorly drained Raynham and Enosburg soils are on higher elevations. Moderately well drained Scio and Eldridge soils are on upland positions.

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Poorly suited for most agricultural uses mainly due to wetness. Map unit 027 is important farmland for cranberry production.

Woodland: Poorly suited due to wetness, severe tree-throw hazard.

Development: Poorly suited due to seasonal high watertables at or near the surface for prolong periods of time.



Photo by Peter Fletcher, location unknown.

Birdsall Map Unit Description

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