From the Society of Soil Scientists of Southern New England and
UPDATED Monday, November 26, 2012 07:07:54 AM
A Compendium of On-Line Soil Survey Information
Field Guide For Describing Soils - Excellent PDF document for describing soils.
Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England (Free PDF Download from NEIWPCC)
Gloassary of Soil Terms (nesoil) | Glossary of Soil Terms (SSSA) - Soil and Soil Survey Info for New England
Official Soil Series Descriptions - Need information about a soil series?
National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists
URI Laboratory of Pedology and Soil Environmental Science
Society of Soil Scientist of Northern New England
Society of Soil Scientist of Southern New England
Soil Landscape Illustrations - Good site with soil profiles and landscapes from Canada.
Soil Quality Institute - USDA-NRCS
Soil Science Society of America
Soil Survey Manual - Complete information about soil survey and describing soils (Chapter 3).
Soil Under a Microscope: Evaluating Soils in Another Dimension
Soil and Water Conservation Society, Southern New England
World of Soil - Fred Moore's Home Page
Rhode Island USDA-NRCS Homepage
URI Department of Natural Resources Science
UMASS Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
United States Consortium of Soil Science Associations
Bug Shirt - Keeps those mosquitoes and other pests from biting!
Soil Temperature Loggers - Pendant loggers
Dutch Augers - One Piece Combo 7 cm blade recommended!
Odyssey - low cost water table loggers.
IRIS Tube - Indicator of Reduction in Soils (IRIS)tubes visually reflect currenthydric soil conditions caused by recent anaerobic and reducingprocesses. IRIS devices can identify hydric soils in wetlands,investigate depth of saturation in soils, identify failed septicsystems, and qualitatively analyze soil organic carbon content.
Monitoring Wells - 2 in slotted PVC -
A Tapestry of Time and Terrain
Building the Northern Appalachian Mountains and New England - Geological Histroy of Jamestown, RI
Geology and Formation of New England
Geology Wing Entrance (Geologic Time & Plate Tectonics)
Geological Society of America - Education and Teacher Resources (K-12 Lesson Plans)
Geology and the Formation of New England - From Memorial Hall Museum (5-6th grade)
Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom
National Soil Survey Center Soil Education Page
S.K. Worm Answers Your Questions About Soil and Stuff!
Soil-net - - is a free and compelling environmental Internet resource for Key Stages 1-4 providing teachers and students extensive curriculum-based information about soil. - NEW
The Learning Web at the U.S. Geological Survey
The Pedosphere and Its Dynamics
Online Schools -
Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists | Society of Wetland Scientists
British Virgin Islands Trustees - National Parks, USA
Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS)
Connecticut Association of Wetland Scientists
Mass. Department of Environmental Protection
National Small Flows Clearinghouse
Natural Resources Defense Council - The Earth's Best Defense
NE Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds - EPA
Rhode Island Cooperative Extension (RI GIS data available for download)
Rhode Island Forest Conservators Organization
Wetland Publications - USACOE web site with information about wetlands.
URI Onsite Wastewater Training Center
Soil profiles from the Northeast (Includes links to other soil profiles)
The Twelve Soil Orders (University of Idaho)
Connecticut Geographic Information Center
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection - 6,480 online maps!
Earth Science Information Office, University of Massachusetts (Cartographic Information Service)
General Soil Maps for Plymouth County Massachusetts
Google Earth - Dowload the free program and view the world! After installing check out the soil observation points file from Nesoil
Historic USGS Maps of New England (RI has these Geo-referenced for use on a GIS email for info)
Historical Soil Maps of the U.S. (University of Alabama)
Maps and References (Links to all types of maps)
Maptech Map Server (Topos, Nautical charts)
Massachusetts Geographic Information System
Microsoft Local Live (Bing Maps) - Birds eye imagery for all of Rhode Island!
The National Atlas of the United States of America
National Geographic Map Machine
Terra Server (Online source for high-resolution aerial photos)
Topo Zone - USGS topographic maps anywhere in the U.S.
USDA:NRCS:Geospatial Data Gateway - Digital Soil Data, Ortho Imagery, USGS Topographic Maps, Hydrology.
Wetlands Interactive Mapping Tool (USFWS-NWI Maps)
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