Pittstown Soils: Very deep, moderately well drained soil formed in dense glacial till derived mainly from phyllite, slate, shale, and schist. Pittstown soils are on drumlins, and smooth concave sideslopes of uplands. Pittstown soils occur primarily in the northern portion of the County where the dominant bedrock has dark mineralogy.

Pittstown Soil ProfileClick for a Soil Profile Picture

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Pittstown Pedon Description 2334501
Pittstown Pedon Description 2334502

Map Unit (s): 345A, 345B, 345C, 346A, 346B, 346C
Map Phases:

  • 345A Pittstown loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
    345B Pittstown loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes.
    345C Pittstown loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes.
    346A Pittstown loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, very stony.
    346B Pittstown loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, very stony.
    346C Pittstown loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, very stony.
  • Taxonomic Classification: Coarse - loamy, mixed, mesic, Aquic Dystrochrepts.
    Drainage Class: Moderately well drained.
    Parent Material: Dense glacial till derived from dark colored sedimentary rocks.
    Permeability: Moderate in the solum, slow or very slow in the dense substratum.
    Available Water Holding Capacity: Moderate.
    Soil Reaction: Strongly acid to moderately acid throughout.
    Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
    Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: 1.5 to 3 feet.
    Type: Perched
    Months: December to May.
    Hydrologic Group: C.
    Hydric Soil: No (may have hydric inclusions).
    Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: None.
    Potential Inclusions: Scituate, Birchwood, and Woodbridge soils are similar inclusions. Poorly drained Norwell, and Ridgebury soils are along drainageways.Well drained Newport, Paxton, and Montauk soils are on convex slopes.

    Soil Suitability:

    Agriculture: Map unit 345B is a prime farmland soil. Map units 345C, 346C and 346B are important farmland soils. Map units 345C and 346C are highly erodible map units

    Woodland: Well suited for woodland.

    Development: Major limitations related to slow permeability in the dense till substratum and seasonal high watertables. Large surface and subsurface stones and boulders may interfere with excavation. Erosion hazards are likely during development, measures should be taken to prevent erosion.

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