Soil Survey of Nantucket County Massachusetts
The following map unit description is from the published "Soil Survey of Nantucket County, Massachusetts"

Pb-Pits. These areas are on outwash plains and till plains. They are irregular in shape, range from 3 to 50 feet deep, and have steep sides. In most areas the floor is nearly level, and some contain small pools of water. Many areas have stones and boulders on the pit floor. Areas of this unit range from 2 to 20 acres.

Pits are areas from which sand and gravel has been removed for construction purposes. In a few areas small mounds of spoil are along the sides of the pit.

Pits are typically devoid of vegetation, but some older areas have scattered bushes, grass, and weeds. The characteristics of the areas are so variable that onsite investigation is needed to determine the potentials and limitations for any proposed land use.

Capability subclass not assigned.

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