Soil Survey of Nantucket County Massachusetts
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(Issued June 1979)
Author: Karl H. Langlois, Jr.
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Published report,
To order a copy of this survey contact 508-295-5151 x2
Click HERE for a legend and descriptions of AD-HOC spot symbols
State |
Published |
Map Unit Name |
610 | Ba | Beaches |
25A | Be | Berryland Variant loamy sand |
180B | ChB | Chilmark sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
652 | Du | Dumps |
294A | EvA | Evesboro sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
294B | EvB | Evesboro sand, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
294C | EvC | Evesboro sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes |
291B | ExB | Evesboro sand, 3 to 8 percent slopes, overblown |
287A | KaA | Katama sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
287B | KaB | Katama sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
295A | Kp | Klej and Pompton soils, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
52A | ME | Medisaprists, 0 to 1 percent slopes |
55A | MS | Medisaprists, sandy surface, 0 to 1 percent slopes |
63A | Pa | Pawcatuck mucky peat, 0 to 1 percent slopes |
600 | Pb | Pits |
479B | PcB | Plymouth-Evesboro complex, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
479C | Pcc | Plymouth-Evesboro complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes |
479D | PcD | Plymouth-Evesboro complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes |
87A | Rd | Ridgebury variant silty clay loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
288A | ReA | Riverhead sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
288B | ReB | Riverhead sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
293B | RfB | Riverhead-Nantucket complex, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
261A | Ta | Tisbury very fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
702 | UAC | Udipsamments, rolling |
313A | WaA | Woodbridge Variant loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes |
313B | WaB | Woodbridge Variant loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes |
608 | Water, Ocean | |
607 | Water, Saline | |
1 | W | Water |