Soil Map Unit Description from the Soil Survey of Rhode Island

EfA—Enfleld slit loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
This nearly level, well drained soil is on terraces and outwash plains. Areas are irregular in shape and mostly range from 2 to 150 acres.

Typically the surface layer is dark grayish brown silt loam about 7 inches thick. The subsoil is strong brown and light olive brown silt loam 18 inches thick. The substratum is brown very gravelly sand to a depth of 60 inches or more.

Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of excessively drained Hinckley soils, somewhat excessively drained Merrimac soils, well drained Agawam and Bridgehampton soils, and moderately well drained Tisbury soils. Also included are small areas of soils that have slopes of more than 3 percent. Included areas make up about 10 percent of this map unit.

The permeability of this soil is moderate in the surface layer and subsoil and very rapid in the substratum. Avail able water capacity is moderate, and runoff is slow. The soil is very strongly acid through medium acid.

This soil is suitable for community development. Onsite sewage disposal systems need careful design and installation to prevent pollution of ground water. Slopes of excavated areas are commonly unstable.

This soil is suited to cultivated crops. Most areas are used for crops or sod. The use of cover crops and the return of crop residue to the soil help to maintain tilth and organic matter content.

The soil is suitable for woodland wildlife habitat and openland wildlife habitat. it is too dry to provide wetland wildlife habitat. Capability class I; woodland group 3o.

Soil Map Unit Description from the Soil Survey of Rhode Island

EfB—Enfield gently sloping, outwash plains.
This nearly level, well drained soil is on terraces and outwash plains. Areas are irregular in shape and mostly range from range from 2 to 50 acres.

Typically the surface layer is loam about 7 inches thick. The subsoil is strong brown and light olive brown silt loam 18 inches thick. The substratum is brown very gravelly sand to a depth of 60 inches or more.

Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of excessively drained Hinckley soils, somewhat excessively drained Merrimac soils, well drained Agawam and Bridgehampton soils, and moderately well drained Tisbury soils. Also included are small areas of soils that have slopes of more than 8 percent. Included areas make up about 10 percent of this map unit.

The permeability of this soil is moderate in the surface layer and subsoil and very rapid in the substratum. Avail able water capacity is moderate, and runoff is medium. This soil is very strongly acid through medium acid.

This soil is suitable for community development. Onsite sewage disposal systems need careful design and installation to prevent pollution of ground water. Slopes of excavated areas are commonly unstable. Straw bale sediment barriers and quickly establishing plant cover help to control erosion during construction.

Most areas of this soil are farmed, a use to which the soil is suited. The hazard of erosion is moderate. Con tour stripcropping, the use of diversions and cover crops, and the return of crop residue to the soil help to control erosion and maintain tilth and organic matter content.

This soil is suited to trees, woodland wildlife habitat, and openland wildlife habitat. It is too dry to provide wetland wildlife habitat. Capability subclass IIe; woodland group 3o.

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