Soil Map Unit Description from the Soil Survey of Rhode Island

Se—Stissing silt loam.

This nearly level, poorly drained soil is on glacial upland hills and drumlins in the southeastern part of the State. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Areas are irregular in shape and range mostly from 5 to 150 acres.

Typically the surface layer is very dark gray silt loam about 8 inches thick. The subsoil is dark grayish brown, mottled silt loam 7 inches thick. The substratum is dark gray, mottled silt loam to a depth of 60 inches or more.

Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of moderately well drained Pittstown soils and very poorly drained Mansfield soils. Also included are small areas of soils that have stones on the surface and a few small areas of soils with a surface layer and subsoil of sandy loam. Included areas make up about 10 percent of this map unit.

The permeability of this soil is moderate in the surface layer and subsoil and slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is moderate, and runoff is slow. This soil has a seasonal high water table near the surface from late fall through spring. The soil is extremely acid through medium acid.

The seasonal high water table and the slow permeability in the substratum make this soil poorly suited to community development. Onsite septic systems need special design and installation, and areas require extensive filling.

This soil is suited to trees, but most areas are cleared and used for pasture. Wetness is the main limitation for woodland. Tree windthrow is common.

This soil is suited to cultivated crops, but artificial drainage is needed. The use of cover crops helps to maintain tilth and organic matter content.

This soil is suited to most types of wildlife habitat. Capability subclass IIIw; woodland group 4w.

Soil Map Unit Description from the Soil Survey of Rhode Island

Sf—Stissing very stony silt loam.

This nearly level, poorly drained soil is on glacial upland hills and drumlins in the southeastern part of the State. Stones and boulders cover 2 to 10 percent of the surface area. Areas are irregular in shape and range mostly from 5 to 150 acres. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent.

Typically the surface layer is very dark gray silt loam about 8 inches thick. The subsoil is mottled, dark grayish brown silt loam 7 inches thick. The substratum is mottled, dark gray silt loam to a depth of 60 inches or more.

Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of moderately well drained Pittstown soils and very poorly drained Mansfield soils. Also included are small areas of soils that do not have stones or boulders on the surface and small areas of soils that have a surface layer and subsoil of fine sandy loam. Included areas make up about 10 percent of this map unit.

The permeability of this soil is moderate in the surface layer and subsoil and slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is moderate, and runoff is slow. This soil has a seasonal high water table near the surface from late fall through spring. The soil is extremely acid through medium acid.

The seasonal high water table and the slow permeability in the substratum make this soil poorly suited to community development. Onsite septic systems need special design and installation, and areas require extensive filling.

This soil is suited to trees, and most areas are in woodland. The seasonal high water table is the main limitation for trees. Tree windthrow is common.

The stones and boulders on the surface make this soil unsuitable for cultivated crops and severely hinder the use of farming equipment.

The soil is suited to woodland wildlife habitat and wetland wildlife habitat. It is poorly suited to openland wildlife habitat. Capability subclass VIIs; woodland group


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