Ipswich-Pawcatuck-Matunuck Complex - This map unit is a complex consisting of very deep, level, very poorly drained soils in tidal areas subject to daily inundation by salt water. These areas consist of Ipswich, Pawcatuck or Matunuck soils, or any combination of them. The soils are mapped together because there are no major differences in their use and management.

Ipswich Profile

Click here to see a picture of an Ipswich soil

Historic Document: Tidal Marsh Soils of CT and RI

Link to Official Series Description Ipswich
Link to Official Series Description Pawcatuck
Link to Official Series Description Matunuck

Ipswich Pedon Description 2306601 | Ipswich Pedon Description S08MA023001
Pawcatuck Pedon Description 2306602 | 2306604
Matunuck Pedon Description 2306603

Map Unit (s): 066
Map Phases: This map unit is a complex consisting of very deep, level, very poorly drained soils in tidal areas subject to daily inundation by salt water. These areas consist of Ipswich, Pawcatuck or Matunuck soils, or any combination of them. The soils are mapped together because there are no major differences in their use and management

Taxonomic Classification:
Ipswich, Euic mesic, Typic Sulfihemists.
Pawcatuck, Sandy, or sandy-skeletal, mixed, euic, mesic, Terric Sulfihemists.
Matunuck, Sandy, mixed, mesic Histic Sulfaquents.

Drainage Class: Very poorly drained.
Parent Material: Ipswich soil formed in more than 51 inches of tidal peat. Pawcatuck soils formed in 16 to 51 inches of tidal peat underlain by Holocene age sediments. Matunuck soil formed in less than 16 inches of tidal peat, underlain by Holocene sediments.
Permeability: Moderate or moderately rapid.
Available Water Holding Capacity: High.
Soil Reaction: strongly acid through mildly alkaline in it natural condition.
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: +3.5 to 0.5 feet below the surface. Type: Apparent. Months: January to December.
Hydrologic Group: D.
Hydric Soil: Yes.
Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: This map unit is subject to daily tidal flooding.
Potential Inclusions: Very poorly drained Swansea, Scarboro, Berryland, and Brockton soils. Poorly drained Wareham, Saugatuck and Pipestone soils. Excessively drained Hooksan soils and areas of beaches and duneland

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Poorly suited for most agricultural uses mainly due to wetness, high salt content and tidal flooding.

Woodland: Poorly suited due to wetness, high salt content, treethrow hazard and tidal flooding.

Development: Poorly suited due to seasonal high watertables at or near the surface for prolong periods of time. Organic layers have very low strength and should be removed to support loads. This map unit is subject to twice daily flooding due to tidal influence.

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