New England Soil Profiles

Tihonet Series

Ruler in cm.

Tihonet soils are poorly drained soils in sandy glacial fluvial deposits on human-altered landscapes (abandoned gravel pits, created wetlands, and cranberry beds). They are made by excavating the upland soil and glacial outwash geologic deposits down to the watertable.

Photo of an area of Tihonet soils being used for Cranberry production. The soil escarpment in the background was cut into Carver soils, the upland area once occupied the Cranberry bed area.

Tihonet Pedon S07MA023001 (Click for Pedon Description and Lab Data)

Tihonet Official Series Description (this photo is the type location used on the description)
Tihonet Map Unit Description | Cranberry Bed Description (map unit 23)

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