Tihonet Soils: The Tihonet series consists of very deep, poorly drained soils that formed in thick sandy glacial fluvial deposits. They are on excavated landscapes where the original solum and substratum has been excavated to the depth of the apparent water table.

Tihonet Soil ProfileTihonet Profile

Link to Official Series Description
Pedon Description 00565701 | Pedon Description 2365701 | Pedon Description 2302302 | Tihonet Pedon S07MA023001 | Pedon description and Laboratory Analysis S07MA023001

Map Unit (s): 23, 657
Map Phase:
23A: Tihonet coarse sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
657: Tihonet sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes (formerly called Aquents).
Taxonomic Classification: Mixed, mesic Typic Psammaquents.
Drainage Class: Poorly drained.
Parent Material: Human altered material underlain by glacial fluvial deposits.
Permeability: Rapid to very rapid throughout.
Available Water Holding Capacity: Low.
Soil Reaction: Extremely acid to Strongly acid throughout.
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 60 inches.
Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: 3.0 feet above to 1.5 feet below the surface. Type: Apparent. Months: November to June.
Hydrologic Group: C.
Hydric Soil: Yes.
Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: Frequently Flooded and/or Ponded.
Duration and Months: Brief to long, November to May. Regulated by human activities.

Soil Suitability:

Agriculture: Map unit 23 is used for Cranberry production click here for more information. Map unit 657 is poorly suited for most agricultural uses mainly due to wetness.

Woodland: Poorly suited due to wetness.

Development: Wetness, due to seasonal high water table limits the use of this soil as a site for dwellings and for septic tank absorption fields. The nature of the wet sandy soils causes sloughing and pit collapse during excavation.

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